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Productivity: Great Meanings into High Performances

David Murphy

2021 Conference

In this session I will share with you one of the most powerful and clear models to understand how to become more successful in your business, job and in your daily relationships. You will see how your meanings (beliefs, understandings, intentions, etc.) lead the way in your performances and in your general behaviour. So any change you want to make in the results of your job (performances) and in the level of productivity, needs to start in your meanings system.  From this presentation, you will not only get new understandings and theory, but some real practical ways to create the synergy that creates great value, motivation and productivity in all senses. High quality meanings plus high performances, equals high productivity.  

You will learn...

how to create the necessary synergy in the two axis of productivity.

practical examples of how to achieve being somebody who produces quantity and quality in an inspired way.

how to suspend limiting meanings, eliminate toxic meanings and create new enhancing meanings and how to put them into actions (performances).

to enrich your level of motivation and transform it into "inspiration".

to improve the quality of your personal relations.

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