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Can Mental Spatial Diagnosis be a Conceptual Bridge?

Lucas Derks

2025 Masterclass

You probably noticed the difficulty that we NLP Professionals may have to understand and be understood by clinical psychologist and psychiatrist trained in an academic/medical way. This started already in the 1980s. 

My fascination with this, has brought me to focus on: What conceptual barriers are in the way? (Beside status, territoriality and commerce) One of these is the medical tradition of diagnosing a client/patient before treatment. For many NLP Professionals this has a low priority. However, we do diagnose as NLP Professionals. 

We may do a detailed modeling of the structure of a clients problem, including responsible parts, rep systems, strategies, metaprograms, submodalities, limiting beliefs, time-lines and used metamodel patterns. 

The paradigm called Mental Space Psychology, that evolved from doing NLP, states that all mental activity takes place in the space in and around the person, also implies a form of diagnosis that was largely derived from time lines and social panorama and the spatial work with traumas, eating disorders and depression. To look at all of these as a way of psychological diagnosis opened the door to clinical psychology, and psychiatry, where diagnosis with the DSM-5 or OCD-11 is used: but often disliked and criticised. 

In this masterclass we will see how Mental Spatial Diagnosis can be of interest for NLP Professionals who want to understand more of the spatial side of mental issues. Also how this will open a vocabulary where practitioners of many different backgrounds can come together. As the NLP-tradition teaches us, it must be practical from the start.  

Since Mental Space Psychology and Mental Spatial Diagnosis are pretty new developments, this masterclass is a chance to familiarize yourself with fresh NLP based ideas. The other thing, that is even more important, that Mental Spatial Diagnosis has the level of practicality that we NLP Professionals love. You may not take it home in every detail, but it will affect the way you look at you regular NLP practice. 

Mental Space Psychology came slowly into being during Lucas Derks 45 years of doing and teaching NLP with still having the identity of a psychological researcher in his mind. That is why you can expect this masterclass to answer and raise topics that link science and something practical as NLP.

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