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Performance Profiling: An Invaluable Coaching and Management Tool

Jeremy Lazarus

2024 Conference

Many coaches and NLP Professionals have clients who want to improve their performance, whether in their current role, a new role, in a new area or in sport.

Performance Profiling is a tool widely used in the world of sport, and which is extremely useful for you as a coach /  NLP Professional wanting to add to your toolkit and to support clients to 'raise their game'.  In particular, you can use it to support clients to perform better in their sport (whether as a hobby or professionally), in their current role, and if you are a career coach you can use it to help clients prepare for promotion or to change jobs.

Coaching-oriented managers can use it to improve team performance (either individually or collectively) and team coaches can use it to improve a team's performance.  It can also help you raise your own game!

In this interactive and participative session, you will learn what Performance Profiling is, see a demonstration and do a paired exercise.

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