Tiny Ripples of Hope
Michael Dunlop
2021 Conference
Like many newly qualified NLP Practitioners, I set out to make a difference with the skills I had learned. I wanted to change the world and I thought I had been given just the tools to do it. And then I found that the World didn't seem particularly interested in being changed, and had a tendency to close the door as soon as I mentioned the dreaded words 'Neuro Linguistic-Programming.'
In this session, you will hear about our journey in using NLP in Northern Ireland to make small differences that opened doors and sent out tiny ripples of hope that are still spreading. You'll hear how a modelling project led to Brilliant Schools, the NLP in Education Award and Big Lottery Funding; How Logical Levels is helping Vets and GPs to deal with 'Organisational Schizophrenia'; How the Well Formed Outcome can help support a Programme for Government; And how it's in the small things done well and with integrity that you really can make a difference that matters.