How are NLP & Coaching Neuro-Effective?
Ian McDermott & Tricia Riddell
2025 Masterclass
Since the brain is responsible for every thought, emotional response, action and belief that we have, a basic understanding of neuroscience can provide insights into our own and others’ behaviour. One question that we have asked ourselves, therefore, is how might we determine whether an approach is “neuroeffective”?
For a behaviour to be effective, it must work in the context in which it is being used. To be neuro-effective, it must also work with, rather than against, the way our brains work. We want to give you a taste of some of what we touch on in our 2025 book Neuro-Effective Leadership. Here we integrate research data from neuroscience with how best to lead yourself and others.
This interactive Master Class will demonstrate how some tools from the book can also be applied to NLP and coaching. In this Master Class we aim to:
1. Introduce participants to the concept of Neuro-Effectiveness.
2. Apply the concept to established tools from NLP and coaching to demonstrate in what ways they might be considered to be Neuro-Effective.
3. Provide participants with the opportunity to integrate this new way of thinking into their own practice.