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Andrea Dudaško

AI vs. Human NLP Trainers: A Battle or a Boon?

Sunday 11th February - 09:00 (GMT)

Top Tip before attending Andrea's session - You can have a look at ChatGPT and 'Fingerprint for Success'

Presentation details...

When you think about mental health care, what comes to your mind? Is it a patient laying down or sitting on a sofa, speaking to a therapist, or someone using a mobile app to recount their latest nightmare? 


What about coaching sessions?  Do you envision a coachee and coach discussing progress towards set goals, or a coachee tracking progress via a mobile app? 


And when it comes to NLP training, do you visualize a group of delegates and a trainer in a training room experiencing NLP techniques, or someone following instructions from a chatbot in the comfort of their living room? 


With the increasing use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the realms of mental health care and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), new possibilities and questions surface: What challenges and opportunities does AI present (for trainers, coaches, therapist and clients)? Do we desire a chatbot fully equipped with NLP? What will we do once such a resource becomes available? What are the advantages and disadvantages of AI proliferating NLP amongst us? What benefits do human NLP coaches and therapists offer? How can one achieve irreplaceability by AI?


This presentation will cover two aspects:   


  1. How human NLP therapists and trainers can leverage AI as a beneficial tool, not a threat

  2. How human NLP therapists and trainers can surpass AI.   


During the session, Andrea will share her personal experience with an AI coach - an application where she sets three personal goals and worked on them under the guidance of an AI coach and chatbot.  She is thrilled to share the insights and impressions she gained from this experience.  Additionally, she will offer some valuable tips on how to integrate AI into your practice. 


The crux of her presentation lies in exploring how humans can outperform AI.  We must understand that AI is primarily about delivering information, it will not come with anything new. 

Learning outcomes...

You will learn...


  • How to incorporate AI as powerful tool into your profession  


  • You will understand how AI can be helpful and not a threat  


  • You will gain insights into how AI coaches, chatbots, and applications operate as coaches, allowing you to better comprehend the emerging competition landscape.


  • How to infuse our trainings with more experiential elements and how we, as humans, can surpass what AI currently provides.

About Andrea...

Andrea is passionate about helping you use your brain better.  She believes that if you're not living the life you desire, it's not your fault, it’s your choice.  Her mission is to unlock new possibilities in your mind and help you see what you have not noticed before.  She also loves exploring how technology can simplify our lives. 

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